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Democratic lawmakers want to subpoena Trump Organization
The Democrats on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform asked Gowdy to issue a subpoena to compel the Trump Organization to produce, by Jan. 20, documents requested more than eight months ago on how the company was donating foreign government profits at its hotels to the U.S. Treasury.
CBO: Federal budget deficit rises to $668B
Republicans controlling Congress are working on companion nonbinding budget plans that promise sharp spending cuts and shrinking deficits, but they aren’t likely to actually try to carry out the cuts.
Treasury report says no laws violated in Mnuchin's travels
A report by the Treasury Department’s inspector general on Thursday said that Secretary Steven Mnuchin did not violate any law in the seven trips he has taken on government airplanes but did fail to provide enough proof of why he needed to use the more expensive modes of travel.
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