Ask Kevin: What’s the legal basis for the Part B late enrollment fee?
A reader asks if the enrollment penalty is statutory.

Health Care
Ask Kevin: Why am I paying IRMAA on top of my Medicare Part B premium?
A reader asks why they are subject to a Medicare Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amount

Ask Kevin: Which FEHB national plans offer Medicare Advantage plans?
Here's what retirees can do to learn more about Medicare Advantage plans offered by FEHB plans.

Ask Reg: Can I stay on FEHB self-plus-one if spouse moves to Medicare?
A reader asks when he can shift back to self-only coverage once his spouse moves to Medicare.

Ask Kevin: What are the pros and cons to Medicare Part B for retirees?
There are three main reasons to consider enrolling in Part B.

Ask Reg: Social Security says I’m subject to Windfall Elimination. Why?
There have been ongoing attempts in Congress and by financial advocates to repeal the WEP.

Ask Kevin: Do federal retirees have to enroll in Medicare Part A?
A retiree wonders what personal advantages there are to Part A coverage. Kevin Moss, a benefits pro, weighs in.

Ask Kevin: Can I waive Part B coverage and retain Tricare for Life?
Retired reserve members at the age of 60 can also choose to enroll in Tricare Select. Here's how it works.

Ask Reg: Does my military buyback count toward my retirement service?
A reader who wants to apply for deferred retirement wonders if their military buyback counts toward their service time.

Ask Kevin: Can I switch back and forth from Medicare to FEHB?
If you’re eligible for FEHB, you’ll remain eligible for FEDVIP dental or vision plans even if your FEHB coverage is suspended.

Ask Reg: Am I entitled to a FERS payout of my retirement deductions?
Reg the retirement expert offers tips on requesting a retirement refund from OPM.

Senators implore VA secretary keep community care access for veterans
Twenty senators signed a letter to Secretary McDonough, urging him to adjust a policy initiative they said is making it hard for veterans to access care.

Ask Reg: Upon retirement, will I get money taken from my pay back?
A reader asks the retirement expert about receiving money after retirement that was taken from their paycheck twice a month.

What feds need to know about ADA and return-to-work policies
Federal government workers can utilize the Americans with Disabilities Act to protect their ability to work from home.

Ask Kevin: What providers are available under new Postal health plan?
A reader asks about the new Postal Service benefits plan coming to USPS annuitants this fall.

Republicans will again try to slash defense secretary’s salary to $1
Democratic lawmakers have blasted the salary reductions as unrealistic and petty.

Ask Kevin: Can you have FEHB with just a traditional Medicare add-on?
A reader wonders if they can still benefit from Medicare without signing up for an Advantage plan.