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Election security divides Congress after Mueller’s testimony
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, halted a bipartisan effort to beef up state election systems ahead of the 2018 election and on Thursday blocked Democrats from pushing forward a House-passed bill to authorize funding for the states.
Judge: Georgia must allow inspection of election databases
A lawsuit was filed by a group of voters and the Coalition for Good Governance, an election integrity advocacy organization. It argues that the paperless touchscreen voting machines Georgia has used since 2002 are unsecure, vulnerable to hacking and unable to be audited.
Supreme Court allows partisan districts, blocks census query
On the court's final day of decisions before a summer break, the justices dealt blows to efforts to combat the drawing of electoral districts for partisan gain and put a hold on a Trump administration effort to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census.
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