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Federal Hot Take podcast: Too big to fail? Companies are far ahead of their peers, so who will the government turn to?
In this episode of Federal Hot Take, Mike Gruss, editor of C4ISRNET and Fifth Domain, is joined by Kelsey Atherton, staff writer at C4ISRNET. They talk about the idea of whether “too big to fail” could ever become applicable to technology companies as the government works through a massive modernization effort and how markets may or may not solve this problem before it becomes an issue.
Looking inward: Congress’s effort to improve itself
Derek Kilmer, D-Wash., chairs the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress, where both politicians and the public will have the chance to weigh in on how to make Congress better.
Why GSA uses itself as an IT guinea pig
The General Services Administration has the perfect size and mission to test innovative technologies as potential solutions for the rest of government.
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