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Lessons learned from the pandemic in modernizing public health systems
Agency leaders from Ventura County, California, and Winnebago, Illinois, spoke about how they transformed their technology infrastructure and processes to handle COVID-19 and how they plan to replicate and scale these changes to impact service delivery beyond pandemic-related needs.
What’s known about President Biden catching COVID-19?
Biden is reporting a runny nose, fatigue and an occasional dry cough, according to a memo from Dr. Kevin O’Connor, the president’s doctor. Biden’s symptoms started Wednesday evening. Biden tweeted Thursday: “Folks, I’m doing great. Thanks for your concern.”
Vaccine mandate for federal employees awaits court ruling
A requirement that federal contractors and subcontractors require employee vaccinations is on hold. A federal judge in Georgia blocked that mandate nationwide and the Atlanta-based 11th Circuit appeals court is to hear arguments in that case April 8.
State of the Union: Biden vows to halt Russia, hit inflation
Aiming to build on momentum from the speech, Biden will head to Wisconsin on Wednesday in an effort to show Americans that his domestic agenda is working. His vice president and Cabinet members will fan out around the country to amplify the message.
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