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Amazon Web Services wants to depose President Trump
Amazon Web Services also wants to depose Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, former Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis and DoD CIO Dana Deasy as part of the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) cloud contract court case.
UN experts: Jeff Bezos phone hack shows link to Saudi prince
The Washington Post (owned by Bezos) was harshly critical of the Saudi government after Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi's killing and demanded accountability in a highly public campaign that ran in the paper for weeks after his death.
Full speed ahead: First phase of JEDI rollout expected in February
One day before Amazon chief Jeff Bezos gave a keynote address at the Reagan National Defense Forum, never uttering the word “JEDI,” the Pentagon’s chief information officer spoke with great confidence that Amazon’s protest of the department’s enterprise cloud contract award will go nowhere.
AWS blames Trump for its loss in the JEDI bid
A redacted version of AWS' initial complaint details how the company thinks President Donald Trump influenced the proceedings for the Pentagon's controversial enterprise cloud.
Take that, Trump: Why Amazon can afford to be defiant
If President Donald Trump figuratively declared war on Amazon chief Jeff Bezos, and by extension Amazon, the approach taken for the JEDI contract award protest the head of Amazon Web Services declaring war on the president.
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