The following is a question submitted by a reader to Federal Times columnist Reg Jones, a charter member of the senior executive service and the resident expert on federal employee retirement issues.

A Fed Times reader asks:

“As a FERS employee retiring at age 57 meeting MRA with 35 years service and receiving the Social Security retirement supplement, can I work part time? If so how much can I make and still get this supplement payment?”

Reg’s response:

In 2024, the Social Security earnings limit is $22,230. Earn at or below that amount in 2024 and it will have no affect on your special retirement supplement for 2025.

FYI, the earnings limit increases every year, so you’ll need to keep track of it and adjust your earnings accordingly if you want to avoid losing the SRS.

Got a question for the Federal Times expert? Send inquiries to:
Federal Times columnist Reg Jones, photographed at his home in Hamilton, Va., on Wednesday, January 29, 2014. (Mike Morones/Staff)

Reg Jones, a charter member of the senior executive service, is our resident expert on retirement and the federal government. From 1979 to '95, he served as an assistant director of the Office of Personnel Management handling recruiting and examining, white and blue collar pay, retirement, insurance and other issues. Opinions expressed are his own.

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