WASHINGTON ― Tax payer cost savings and federal agency performance improvements were the name of the game for the Government Accountability Office’s 2017 Performance and Accountability report.
The GAO announced that its audit work had produced $73 billion in financial benefits, which translated to $128 returned for every tax-dollar invested in the federal government.
In addition to saving tax payers money, the GAO showcased more than 1,200 recommendations implemented by Congress. These included better addressing deficiencies in agency information technology, having the Nuclear Regulatory Commission tighten its licensing control of radioactive material possession and increasing the preparedness of FEMA for future disaster response activities.
Further recommendations involved the streamlining of the appeals process for veterans’ disability claims, increased inspection of foreign drug manufacturing facilities and developing strategies for pregnancy opioid use to better prevent newborn Neonatal Abstience Syndrome.
GAO also had experts testify on various ways for federal agencies to better their performances for future fiscal years. Among the topics addressed was the need to reduce Medicaid payment errors, continuing to beef-up the U.S.’ cybersecurity, strengthening Navy training and readiness and protecting older adults from guardian abuse.