The GSA is easing purchasing rules for relief efforts to assist with the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

The micro-purchase threshold is now $20,000, the simplified acquisition threshold has been raised to $750,000, or $13 million for commercial items, and the simplified lease acquisition threshold is now $750,000.

“Raising the thresholds will help heads of contracting activities and contracting officers quickly gain access to the resources they need in providing relief efforts,” said a GSA announcement.

The thresholds were raised through a Senior Procurement Executive (SPE) memo signed on Aug. 29.

“Since Hurricane Harvey was declared a major disaster by President Trump, it meets the legal definition of ‘emergency’ in accordance with GSA’s Federal Acquisition Regulation,” GSA said. “The increased thresholds will not expire until canceled or incorporated into the FAR.”

The Office of Personnel Management has also approved a special solicitation for federal workers wishing to donate to Harvey relief.

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