The site of the FBI's new headquarters still might not be known, but its central records complex will be in Frederick County, Va.

The General Services Administration said on June 24 that it had purchased a 59-acre site east of Winchester, Va., for $4.75 million as part of a plan to condense the bureau's vast records repositories into one site.

"The centralization of FBI records consolidates records from 265 current locations into a single facility," said Joanna Rosato, Regional Commissioner of GSA's Public Buildings Service in the Mid-Atlantic Region, in a statement, "the CRC will provide the infrastructure and technology for the FBI to continue to digitize records on demand."

The price tag includes proffered road construction to provide access to the site. Officials said the new 256,000-gross-square-foot facility will be National Archives and Records Administration-compliant secured and "complete with environmentally conditioned, fire-protected space will provide records storage combined with material handling and operational support areas."

The FBI's central records complex project began a decade ago. Congress approved the project in 2006, but didn't fund it due to budgetary constraints. The project was funded in January 2014 with stipulations that it be located in Frederick County.

Officials said the new site will employ more than 440 people.

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