General Services acting Administrator Denise Turner Roth, who stepped into the acting role in February after former administrator Dan Tangherlini officially left the agency, has been confirmed by the Senate to be new administrator.

President Barack Obama nominated Roth to the position in May. In a statement, he said Roth has helped make the agency more efficient, innovative and effective and she is a capable leader with management experience that will serve well in her position.

"Just over one year ago, Roth assumed the role of Deputy Administrator at GSA, providing the organizational leadership to improve performance throughout the agency. Roth helped eliminate the broad duplication of administrative services by consolidating the agency's IT, HR, Administrative and Financial functions, helping to build a stronger and more efficient GSA while saving taxpayers $200 million in the next eight years," he said.

"Today's decision by the Senate is a vote of confidence in GSA's ability to deliver the best value in real estate, acquisition, and technology services to the government and American people," Roth said after the confirmation vote. "My vision moving forward is for the agency to be a proactive federal partner for government, and an economic catalyst for local communities, while also continuing our efforts to drive operational excellence. I am honored to serve the people and partners of GSA, and I am honored to serve this administration."

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