The head of the General Services Administration will be stepping down Feb. 13, according to a letter to employees.

Dan Tangherlini became administrator of GSA in April 2012 after a conference spending scandal forced the resignation of top leadership.

Deputy Administrator Denise Turner Roth will take on the role of acting administrator until President Obama chooses a replacement, Tangherlini said.

During his tenure Tangherlini has pushed for travel and spending reform, contract management overhauls and a culture of innovation and change at the agency.

An internal top-to-bottom review of agency practices after the scandal saved the agency $28 million by reducing travel, streamlining administrative functions and strengthening internal controls, according to GSA.

The agency has also embarked on a massive reorganization and consolidation of contracting vehicles, pushing for a more modernized digital approach to providing contracting services to customer agencies. The goal will be to make buying goods and services easier and more cost-effective while reducing duplication, according to GSA.

"Much has changed at GSA since I arrived here in April of 2012 as a result of your hard work. Today, GSA is stronger, more efficient, and better able to serve our partner agencies and the American people," Tangherlini said in his letter. "I am proud to have played some role in these changes, but I am honored to have had the opportunity to serve alongside all of you."

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