The Commerce Department Office of the Inspector General is looking for an email management solution to bring the agency into compliance with White House directives on digital records.
The "Managing Government Records Directive" gives agencies until December 2016 to establish a system for maintaining email records, both permanent and temporary. The IG's office has begun migrating its email application to a cloud environment, on track to be completed by September 2015.
Request for Information: Email Records Management Solution
The Commerce IG needs an automated management solution that will help it meet the directive requirements, as well as those set forth in the "Guidance on Managing Email" memorandum from OMB and the National Archives and Records Administration.
The IG's network currently includes some 350 email boxes used by 160 federal employees and 30 contractors, as well as group email lists.
The information must be maintained at sensitive but unclassified or controlled unclassified security levels.
Responses to the RFI are due Feb. 13.
Aaron Boyd is an awarding-winning journalist currently serving as editor of Federal Times — a Washington, D.C. institution covering federal workforce and contracting for more than 50 years — and Fifth Domain — a news and information hub focused on cybersecurity and cyberwar from a civilian, military and international perspective.