Denise Turner Roth has been appointed the new acting administrator at the General Services Administration, according to an agency announcement Feb. 23.

Roth fills the vacancy left by former administrator Dan Tangherlini, who officially left the agency Feb. 13. She first became deputy administrator in March 2014.

In a message to GSA employees Feb. 23 Roth said she has been consistently impressed by the work ethic and dedication of agency employees. She said she plans to continue GSA's innovation efforts across all of its operations.

"Our agency has made great strides over the last few years and there are still a number of opportunities to improve even more. This year, we will continue to build on our success and continue to explore paths that pushes our government forward, further providing the support and services our federal partners need in the 21st century," Roth said.

She said some areas the agency will focus on include the Total Workplace initiative, which combines technology and real estate reductions to create new workplaces, as well as continuing its efforts to streamline government contracting.

The agency will also continue its efforts to be more efficient and cost-effective, she said.

"GSA has also strengthened our organization while achieving significant budget reductions by streamlining internal functions and instituting performance-based reviews. By continuing those efforts and learning from one another's best practices I am confident that GSA will grow even stronger," Roth said.

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